Hooks for extension

Extension hooks
Name Description Return type
get_gh_event_processors Get GitHub events processors dict of str: list of function
get_gh_webhook_processors Get GitHub webhook processors dict of str: list of function
init_business Init business layer of the extension None
init_security Init security of the extensions (define roles and privileges) None
init_blueprints Init Flask blueprints (register them) None
init_container Put whatever you need into DI container of the app None
init_filters Init Jinja2 filters for views (register them) None
init_models Init models (data) layer of the extension array
introduce Introduce yourself (just name) for the list of extensions str
view_admin_extensions Return view object of extension for the admin list ExtensionView
view_admin_index_tabs Add/edit tabs for admin index page dict of str:ViewTab
view_core_search_tabs Add/edit tabs for search results page dict of str:ViewTab
view_core_user_detail_tabs Add/edit tabs for public user page dict of str:ViewTab
view_core_org_detail_tabs Add/edit tabs for public organization page dict of str:ViewTab
view_core_repo_detail_tabs Add/edit tabs for repository detail page dict of str:ViewTab
view_manage_dashboard_tabs Add/edit tabs for user management zone dashboard dict of str: `ViewTab