Web application

Public usage

Anonymous (unauthenticated) used can browse public content of the web application which includes:

  • landing with basic info
  • search
  • user/organization profiles
  • public repositories with their releases and updates


User can authenticate via GitHub OAuth with scope:

  • repo = read and manage user repositories (with private)
  • user = read user information (with private)
  • admin:webhook = add/remove webhooks

User management

Every activate (not banned) user can manage which of his/her repositories should be listed within application as:

  • public = everyone can see them
  • hidden = only people with secret URL can see them
  • private = only owner or administrator can see them

Information about user account can be synchronized as well as the repository information. When activating the repository webhook is added. Because webhook can be deleted at GitHub by hand, user can recreate the webhook again (he can’t do it by hand because doesn’t know the webhooks secret).


Managing user accounts, roles and repositories (not owned) can be done in administration zone. Same principles as in user management zone.


There is also REST API (only GET) for all GitHub entities, but it will be reworked soon (because the repo privacy & compatibility issues).

The actual is done by Flask-Restless with collections:

  • user
  • org
  • repo
  • push
  • commit
  • release