
You can see example configuration files at:

  • config/app.example.cfg

  • config/auth.example.cfg

  • config/db.example.cfg

    !!! If you are going to publish your configuration somewhere make sure, that it does not contain any secret information like passwords or API tokens!

Syntax of configuration files is standard INI, parsed by ConfigParser. Names of variables are case insensitive. Configuration can be in separate configuration files but if there are same variables within same sections there will overriding depending on the order of files.

Default config file can be also specified with environment variable:

$ export REPOCRIBRO_CONFIG_FILE='/path/to/config.cfg'
$ python
Python 3.5.2 (default, Oct 14 2016, 12:54:53)
[GCC 6.2.1 20160916 (Red Hat 6.2.1-2)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from import app


You can specify any of the Flask (or extensions) configuration variables that is supposed to be placed to app.config. Just use same name (it can be also lowercase). These configurations must be done in [flask] section. Mandatory attribute is SECRET_KEY used for the session signing, this key is of course private.

For example:

# something is wrong, I want to debug
DEBUG = true
# random secret key (use os.urandom())
SECRET_KEY = VeryPseudoRandomSuchSecret


Next you need to specify configuration of your database. Flask extension Flask-SQLAlchemy is used so again configuration needs to be done within section [flask].

For example:

# SQLite is enough, just testing
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = sqlite:////tmp/test.db


For communication with GitHub OAuth you are going to need Client ID and Client secret. Also for working with webhooks secret key must be set-up so every incoming message can be verified. Specify those in [github] section of config.

For example:

# Client ID & secret is obtained by creating OAuth app
CLIENT_ID = myAppClientIdFromGitHub
CLIENT_SECRET = myAppClientSecretFromGitHub
# Webhook secret for signing should be randomly generated
WEBHOOKS_SECRET = someRandomSecretKeyForWebhooks